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NATS Michigan Chapter Auditions: Fall 2022



As previously announced,  our fall student auditions will take place on the campus of  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Saturday November 5, 2022. As a member of Michigan NATS, we hope you and your students will join us!  To register please visit the "Member Home" section of  You will click on a green button which says "NATS Audition Registration". There are further instructions at the bottom of this letter and an FAQ here which will answer any questions about repertoire, adjudication, category selection, copyright policy.. In addition to returning to an in-person audition format, the day will include engaging events for all in attendance!  

Important Dates 

  • Wednesday, September 7th, 2022: Registration Opens
  • October 19, 2022: Registration deadline (11:59 p.m.)
  • October 24, 2022: If using a staff pianist, this is the deadline to email PDF's of scores to Liz Gray via
  • October 31, 2022: Schedule of auditions day available by this date
  • November 5, 2022: Auditions at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Music School, Earl V. Moore  Building, 1100 Baits Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, 8:30am-5:00 pm

Tentative Schedule for November 5th:

8:00 am - Check-in for teachers and students begin

8:30 am - Rehearsals with staff pianists begin

9:30 am - Auditions begin

12:00 pm - Lunch - all auditions stop for lunch. Lunch Area TBA

1:00 pm - Auditions resume according to schedule. 

2:30 pm - Special Sessions with Dr. LaToya Lain-Washington and Professor Louise Toppin! 

4:15 pm - Awards ceremony

*NATS Board and NATS Teachers meetings: TBA*

2022 Regulations for Michigan NATS Auditions

Please observe the following guidelines for Michigan 2022 auditions:


  • You must be a member in good standing. This means you have paid your current national and state dues. 
  • Your students may sing in up to two categories. 
  • Student age limits are determined as of November 5, 2022.
  •  It is expected that teachers serve as adjudicators during the auditions.
  • NATS Code of Ethics: You will disclose the name of your student's previous teacher if your student has studied with you less than eight months at the time of auditions.
  • You may not play for your own student's audition.

Information for Teachers

Please check the NATS website: for detailed information on adjudication rubric, audition regulations, categories and more.  If this is your first time entering students in our fall auditions, this page will likely answer all of your questions!

Again, NATS teachers serve as adjudicators during the auditions. In addition to providing detailed written feedback and scores, we will also serve in the following specific capacities:

  • Chairperson – invite student performers into the room; collect the adjudication forms at the end of each category and submit them to the tabulation room.
  •  Timer – keep the auditions running exactly on time; communicate to the performer if he/she has run over time.

Information for students

Students should check in at least one hour before their scheduled time, or their rehearsal with a staff pianist.  The first categories of auditions will begin at 9:30 a.m, registration will open at 8:00am..
  •       Students can inquire about their rehearsal location during registration.
  •       Rehearsals with staff pianists will begin at 8:30 a.m.

Information regarding pianists

  • A pianist may play for no more than 12 total events. If a pianist performs as a singer, that audition counts as an event.
  •  Please do not select a pianist if you have not contacted them in advance. Always confirm availability before you select or enter a pianist.
  • Please coordinate with other teachers who may be using the same pianist. If a pianist is listed for more than 12 events, the first 12 registered will be scheduled, and later entries will be requested to provide a different pianist.
  •  TBA pianists cannot be scheduled. Pianist names are required.
  • You may register your student to sing with a staff pianist. The fee is $40 per student, per event, and this includes a 10-minute rehearsal.
  • If you request any staff pianists during registration, please email PDF's of these students' music to by October 24, 2022
  • The schedule for rehearsals with the staff pianists will be posted on the home page of this website when the final schedule is posted.


Note: You should pay all fees in one payment once you have registered all your students. Most teachers pay the fees and have their students reimburse them directly.

  •       Teacher Registration - $25 flat fee ($25 per teacher)
  •       Student Registration - $25 per student, $15 for one additional category
  •       Staff pianist - if using the staff pianist, $40 per student/per event

Registration Overview

  • Teachers are responsible for registering themselves and all of their students online. Students will not have access to the online system.You may only register your own students. Violations of this rule will result in student disqualification.
  • Ensure any pianist playing for you can make the scheduled time (including any travel time)
  • For those teachers who find it impossible to attend and adjudicate please review the waiver policy as voted on by the MI Board is stated below: 

Teachers who enter their students in the auditions are required to assist in adjudication.  Teachers who find it impossible to attend the auditions for any reason will personally arrange for a substitute judge who is a NATS member in good standing, and who has no students of his/her own auditioning. In addition, a fee of $50.00 for each student auditioning, not to exceed $250.00, will be required. This fee will be used to pay the substitute adjudicator. Waiver of this requirement is within the purview of the adjudication chairperson. Please contact me to complete a waiver form and payment arrangements.

  •   You may begin registering online Wednesday, September 7, 2022.
  •   Teachers may only register their own students. 
  •   Teachers need to make sure any pianist playing for students is available for the entire day of the auditions.  We cannot accept special requests for accompanying times.
  •   The deadline for completing your online registration is Wednesday, October 19. We are unable to make exceptions or provide refunds. After the deadline, you may no longer be able to access the registration function on the website.
  •   Once the schedule is run by the webmaster, it will not be possible to make adjustments. Please keep this in mind when you register.
  •   A completed schedule and judging assignments will be posted on this site by October 28th.
  •   Teachers are responsible for getting this information to their students.
  •   Each teacher will use this site to make payment for their students, accompanists, and teacher fees.


1) At any computer connected to the Internet, open your Internet browser and go to:

2) Logon and click on "Member Home"

3) In your Member Home page is a green button which says "NATS Auditions Registration." Once Registration goes live on September 7th, you will be able to access our Michigan Registration through that button. 

4) Please review the information on the Home page. The Home page contains information and news relevant to you. Along the top margin, the following menus are displayed:

Home, Member Tools, Auditions, Calendar, and Support

5) To view or update your personal contact information and judging preference, click on "Member Tools" > "Profile." Please make sure your contact information is current.

6) When you're ready to enter your students, click on "Member Tools" > "Register Students." On the Student List web page, click on the "Add" link. You must enter your student's gender, first, and last names and click on the "Save" button before you can assign them to a category and an accompanist. The next screen that's displayed will allow you to select a category. Do this first and then you may click on the "Select Accompanist" link to add or select an accompanist for your student. If you need a staff accompanist, please choose accordingly. Repertoire may also be entered by clicking on the “Edit Repertoire” link. Repeat these steps for each student who is auditioning.

7) After the registration deadline closes on OCTOBER 19th and the automated scheduler is run, your student, accompanist, and judging schedules will be posted on the "Auditions" > "Schedule" web page by OCTOBER 31st.

If you have any questions about how to use this website, please refer to the "FAQs" link.  Remember that the new copyright policy is attached, and might not appear entirely up to date on the website yet. If you still have trouble registering, please let me know and I'll do my best to assist or to direct you to someone who can. For new & returning members, Registration Help will be offered via Zoom on Monday September 26 & Monday October 17. Please contact me for more info! 

Connect with NATS Michigan via Social Media

NATS Michigan on Facebook            

Instagram: @natsmichigan

Our Teachers-Only Group on Facebook.      

Michigan NATS Independent Teachers on Facebook  

If you are interested in our Michigan NATS Chapter broadening its offerings and increasing representation throughout membership across our state, I would be delighted to connect with you via email, Zoom, and in person throughout the year.

Thank you for your membership. Our much anticipated return to in-person auditions is cause for celebration! See you in Ann Arbor on Saturday, November 5th!  

Liz Gray
NATS Michigan Governor
Fall 2022 Auditions Coordinator


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