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Showing posts from November, 2019

Michigan Fall Student Auditions Results

Hope College and our host Dr. Jung Woo Kim offered us all a beautiful day of music making! Please find the results below.  We hope you all join us at the Regional Auditions, Hosted by Bowling Green State University on March 7th, 2020.  Click here for more information. NATS MICHIGAN FALL 2019 STUDENT AUDITIONS- HOPE COLLEGE RESULTS SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD FEATURING MUSIC BY WOMEN COMPOSERS 3B Mariella Piazza Liebst du um Schönheit Perry 7B Cassidie Singelyn The Year's at the spring Boover 8B Joshua Danielson The Apple Orchard Peavler 11A Lindsay Nichols Ah Love but a day Olivacce 11B Grace Van Hoven Grace Van Hoven Olivacce YOUTH 1st Zoe Straley Noelle Jacquez 2nd Chiara Martella Jessica Fielder 2nd Madison McKeown Sally Mikat ADULT 1st Ellen Wallenfa...